
Showing posts from January 28, 2024

If you can't fast, guess why that is??

I often hear Christians say, "I can't fast". And with the exception of a very small percentage of people with certain health conditions, THIS IS A LIE. The reason Christians can't fast is because they have diets that make fasting nearly impossible.  Today's carb-laden, sugar-filled diets make people perpetually hungry.  What if I told you there is a way to eat where you are never hungry! There is. When I follow the low-carb approach to eating that is God's design for us, I am never hungry. When I cheat and eat carbs (i.e. sugar), then I am always hungry.  It is that simple - I blogged about today here:  LINK

Fasting is NOT a "suggestion"

Many Protestant Christians don't have a practice of fasting. They claim that the fasting practiced in other churches that have practices of fasting are following "traditions" that are manmade. This is a misleading belief. I dealt with it in a recent blog post that I entitled, "Fasting is NOT a "suggestion"" LINK Check it out. Whether you adopt any of the fasting practices that have come to us down through Church History is obviously up to you.  BUT...Jesus said that His disciples WILL FAST. Are you fasting? Are you fulfilling the vision Jesus had for His followers until His Return?

Getting mentally prepared for a 40-day Fast

Today, I blogged about the mental preparation needed before undertaking a 40-day fast  LINK