Final Day of Himalayan Adventure

In the last hotel I staying at, I was able to pray for the owner for his chest pain, and like most of the others he felt God’s presence. He asked me about his wife who had Parkinson’s disease. I gave him a short message about the Kingdom of God and the fact that there is NO SICKNESS there. I asked him to give me his hands and I then prayed that this Muslim man would carry a gift of healing to release in his wife when he saw her. He wanted to know exactly what he should say. I told him that God doesn’t work via formulas. Formulas are the realm of magic and satan’s kingdom of darkness. God’s Kingdom works on the basis of relationship. I only explained to him he should ‘wait’ until the Holy Spirit comes upon his wife. He will contact me to tell me what happened.

Before leaving, he brought one of his employees who needed healing and I got to pray for him. Since he wasn’t currently feeling pain where the injury was, he wasn’t able to tell me what had happened.

I simply cannot believe how hungry these Muslims were for the healing power of God. After one was healed, they would all bring their friends. There was a desperation – they all wanted me to pray for them ‘at that moment’. Obviously they had not seen God’s power before. Their religious ones had failed them. They hadn’t experienced or seen the Lord’s miraculous power. I wondered who were the Christians who either lived in this remote Himalayan region. Who could demonstrate God’s Kingdom to them? Who could in their own language explain the deep things of God and the message of His Kingdom? I suspected that there had been very few Christians who came to this region with a vision to release God’s Kingdom. May they come because these people were hungry and there was no one to feed them.
