muslims getting touched in Jesus' Name!

This past week our community has had a number of exciting opportunities to pray for Muslims and God has answered.

One young Gulf Arab muslim woman had back pain, and one of the women in our community met with her and prayed for her and almost all of the pain left.  When she told me there was still a little bit left, I said, “Don’t let my friend get away with!  You need to be PAIN-FREE”.  So she will get prayer again!  She’s already had prophetic dreams and God is drawing this young muslim woman to Himself.

Another young muslim woman was sharing about her allergies and my wife found out that they began when her father died.  She had really battled with depression and even some suicidal thoughts at that time.  The Holy Spirit touched her powerfully when Desert Princess prayed with her and counseled with her over the phone (for nearly an hour).  The allergies are NOT completely healed, but I have asked her if we can pray again today, this time in person, to be completely delivered.  Again God’s love and His presence has so powerfully touched this young woman.  She was in tears when she received prayer and was also in tears when she was telling me about the encounter.

Just a couple of things God has done this week as we took the risk to offer the Kingdom in Power!
