What a difference a day makes!

On one morning, while returning to the hotel from coffee, two young Muslim men began to speak with me and ask me if I had read the Qur'an and if I knew about Islam. I pulled an Arabic New Testament from my coat pocket (just 'happened' to have one:). I said to them boldly, "If you read this book, you will NEVER read the Qur'an again". We exchanged email addresses and I assured this young man that I would send him the Arabic Gospels via email.

The next morning I was walking in the same place back to the hotel after coffee. This time one of the men (the one I exchanged emails with) is alone and walks up beside me. I greeted him and told him that I would be sure to send him what I had promised when I returned to the country we live in. So what does he say? "I want to enter your religion"!!

Day 1 - read the Qur'an/learn about Islam
Day 2 - I want to become a Christian

What happened in that 24-hour period? At this point, I have NO IDEA. I intend to find out. I have a hunch it had something to do with our 'invisible' partner - the Holy Spirit. What a difference a day makes!!!!!!
