"Are you a man of God"? (Divine Appointment)

While walking past a man working in a hotel, the Holy Spirit highlighted him. I noticed he was NOT wearing his face mask properly and that made me happy! (I hate the useless masks).

After getting my coffee at Starbucks, I came back to him and asked where he was from - he was from Cameroon. I knew the Lord had something for him and so I just asked directly, "How can I pray for you?"

His eyes lit up and he asked if we could talk privately and took me back around a corner where we could be alone. He then asked me, "Are you a man of God"?  I told him I was and asked what he needed.  He explained that he needed 'healing' - he said he had high blood pressure and was taking medication. He was very young.  

So I was able to have a time of prayer with him for his healing. I don't know if I have ever prayed for someone who was more receptive - lots of "Thank you, Lord Jesus", "Yes, Holy Spirit", "I receive it" came out of his mouth.

I gave him my number and also spoke to him about possibly changing his diet to help him optimize his health and eat in the way God designed for our bodies.

It was a powerful divine appointment. Be aware of the people around you. See who the Lord will highlight. Simply ask, "Do you need prayer for anything?". You too might find yourself becoming the answer to someone else's prayer.

...for such a time as this!
