Word of Knowledge at a Distance

On the way home from work today, I was driving and my neck started hurting on the left side and then quickly stopped. My default mode now is to think of it as a word of knowledge, so I started thinking about who it might be for. Since I was in the car alone, I started to rethink about it being a word. Suddenly, my phone rang and it was the delivery man who was wanting to know when I would be home so he could bring a package. After I told him and hung up, the thought came to me that the word that I had just had was for him.

When the delivery man arrived, I signed for the package and asked him if his neck hurt on the lower left side. He looked at me incredulously and asked, "How did you know?" I explained that I was a healer (as all Christians are, i.e., little Christs, aka Little Healers) and that this pain could be healed if he wanted. He started making excuses about needing to leave and I pressed him a little more and told him that it would only take a minute. He said, "No thanks. Bye."

Although I didn't see the healing, I was encouraged because it was the first physical word of knowledge I've gotten right in over a week.
