Hospital Patient and Carsalesman Encounter God

As some of you who have been keeping up with this blog already know, we usually went out on Monday nights to do the "Stuff." Well, we're back to going out on Sunday nights now. So, this past Sunday, DJ, I, and another friend went to the hospital to pray for a man recovering from a heart-attack. DJ boldly asked him if he minded if we prayed for him and he eagerly accepted. DJ put his hand on his chest and released heaven. He then asked the patient if he felt heat and the man replied, "No heat, but tingling [in the area around the heart]." I then gave a prophetic word about him as a kid with a kite on the beach and I interpreted that to mean that he'd be carefree again. Not only did I interpret it to mean that, I declared it to be so by the power of the Holy Spirit Who lives in us. The man was curious to know how I knew what the picture meant, so I said, "Well, practice really." He then went on to tell of a book they have in their religion that helps them understand dreams and we discussed this for a few minutes. We all felt really welcome and left encouraged.

After the hospital, we didn't know where to go, so we pulled over and started praying. We got some pics and some ideas, but nothing really had any weight. So, we started to do some shopping for something DJ needed. In the process, we came upon a car dealer that had just opened so we went inside. Since it was after 11, there weren't a lot of customers and we had the dealer's undivided attention. DJ got a word for his back and that started the fireworks. We all sat down around his desk and just started talking. We prayed for his back and he felt a lot of relief. I started making a list of the stuff I was getting and when the salesman got up to help someone, DJ and our other friend added to the list. When the salesman returned, we started asking him questions from the prophetic list. I asked him if he knew some names and he responded, "Why?" I told them that I had a gift from God and I needed to practice it and that made sense to him and he said, "Oh. Ok, what else do you have?" So, I asked him if he had family in the restaurant business and he said that he used to work in a restaurant before coming to our country. I asked him if he had bad dreams and he said that he had had one the night before. I asked him if he had had a near drowning experience when he was a kid and he said, "No, not when I was a kid, but three years ago I got taken out by the undertow and somehow made it back to shore." DJ asked about a big decision that he was facing and he said, "Well, it's not a big decision. Should I stay here or move out of the country." (We all agreed that this was a big decision.) DJ got some further revelation that he should take the direction that his heart was indicating and not his head. At one point, he was talking about his girlfriend and we asked her name and he said one of the names that we had mentioned thirty minutes before! We asked him why he didn't tell us earlier and he said that he thought we were only asking about his family. Also, during the conversation, he smoked one cigarette and started to light another one and I told him to put it down and I was going to pray for him and he was going to feel something better than what that next cigarette could provide. So, I grabbed his hand and released the peace of Christ and he said that he felt tingling all up his arm as I was praying for him. He didn't smoke the rest of the time we were there-- not sure if it was because the need had been satisfied by the Spirit or he was too self-conscious. Oh well. Furthermore, during our conversation, DJ got a word about choking while sleeping which is an indication of a demonic attack. The salesman confirmed the word as well as the only other person there: the tea guy. We prayed for both of them concerning this as well. As we were leaving, I got to pray and prophesy a little more over our new friend and we blessed his business, his sleep, his relationships, and his decisions. I saw a picture of a huge eye and I told him straightforwardly that God was watching him-- not in a negative I'm-going-to-whack-you way, but because He cares. I could see that he was visibly moved.

After Sunday night, I went to bed knowing in my heart that God doesn't care if people are Muslims. He loves them anyway and wants to see them come into all He has for them. I don't know if I had forgotten this, but Sunday night as I sat in a hospital room and saw a father in a hospital gown and a young salesman looking stressed out and tired from overwork, I really felt the compassion of God welling up in my heart. It was His gift and although I theologically knew God loves the world, Sunday night it connected.

restaurant, back pain, drowning, girlfriend's name, bad dreams, choking in sleep
