released into visions

Acts 2:17 tells us that in the "last days...your young men SEE VISIONS". This is part of our inheritance as New Testament believers.

In a service over this past weekend, I asked anybody that wants to be released into seeing visions to come forward. I asked 3 sisters who regularly receive prophetic revelation and see visions to help me. We then asked the Holy Spirit to come and for a "spirit of wisdom and REVELATION" (Eph 1:17) to come. I asked them all to close their eyes and to see what the Lord would do. We began to lay hands on them and pray.

What happened? Children and adults began to receive/see their first visions. At the end, we asked people then share what they saw - it was amazing the kinds of things that the Lord showed people IN THEIR FIRST visions!!

Not everyone who came had a vision, but probably about 15 people did.
