Hillbilly Healed, yes, in America!

My friends and I went to pray for these two old bachelor brothers. Let me set the scene:
these guys are in their mid-60s and have never married. They live in a small house in a small town and grew up in the backwoods of America. Well, these guys called us and asked us to come over and pray for the older brother's (George) leg. He had "been down" for a few days and couldn't walk without difficulty. After we prayed for them both for an extended period of time and asking the Lord to bless them, we left noticing that the swelling had gone down a little. This happened the beginning of the summer. Yesterday, one of my friends who had gone to pray with me ran into the two brothers. He asked George how he was feeling these days. George testified that some guys (he didn't recognize my friend as one of the ones who had prayed for him) came over and prayed for his legs to be healed and 15 minutes after they left, his leg was totally healed. Then John (the younger brother) chimed in and said that he saw his brother's leg go from a sick brown color to a red color and then to his normal flesh color. He said that he saw it and he will never doubt it. Then George said, "Some people don't believe in that laying on of hands thing but I tell you . . . ".

Some people don't believe in that laying on of hands thing. . . too bad for them.


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