God's presence in an Anglican Church

Last night I returned to an Anglican Church where the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully (and has been for a couple of months) during a mid-week service they are hosting. Visitors are coming from a number of different Churches.

We had gone and taken a team to minister about a month ago, but last night I simply went to receive. Receive I did!

A number of people were touched as God began to release a number of words of knowledge. At one point, I got a word for acid reflux and a friend of mine responded. We prayed for him and the Lord gave another word about pain in his back - we prayed for that too. At that point, I got an unusual word of knowledge about an Achilles heal. Every time I've gotten that word, it has been about some kind of a weakness and/or sin issue in the life of someone. However, I gave the word and a woman who had come forward for prayer said it was for her. She had had prayer a number of times and was reluctant, but felt prompted to come again for prayer. It was as she came up that I gave the word. The Holy Spirit came upon her powerfully. She couldn't really stay on her feet. I'm not even sure ultimately what happened with her feet, but what she was experiencing of God was incredible.

Others were touched and healed as well during the service. I also got to see first hand a sign that the Lord was manifesting in this Church as a physical sign of His glory and presence.

At the end of the evening, I was finally able to receive prayer myself to be filled afresh - and filled is what I got. The presence of the Lord was so strong and He really came upon me in a tangible way.

It seems everyone really got blessed.
