treasure hunt follow-up

the day after our treasure hunt, I received a call from one of the muslim men I spoke with the night before. I had been looking for an ankle problem and he hobbled by on crutches as we were about to leave. Anyway, he called me to tell me he wanted me to come and pray for his ankle - which had a tumor.

My father-in-law (who also heals the sick) and I head out to meet the man and walk into a room full of Gulf Arab muslim men (and one Egyptian man - who happened to be a Coptic Christian). This man was incredibly open (the Egyptian had been praying for him and he had even been praying some of the prayers this Coptic man had given him).

We prayed for his ankle (which was in a cast) and he began to feel the presence of God. I told him he would feel something, but he couldn't actually describe the feeling. We prayed again to bless what God was doing and asked Him to increase it. By the end of our prayer time (and even until the time we left), this man was feeling a strange sensation in the ankle. I instructed him to wait until the feeling ended and then to test out the ankle - by putting weight on it and walking (which caused a lot of pain).

I am waiting for his telephone call now to see what the result of the prayer was. BTW - God had something for this man's father while we were there too!! (next blog post)
