"power spilling" at a Middle Eastern mall

yesterday my son and a friend headed out to a local mall to do some "power spilling". you never know what will happen, but we knew it was going to be a good time when literally 30 seconds after leaving our car in the parking lot, a word of knowledge comes to me for the guy walking towards us - a Pakstani muslim. we stopped him and asked if he had a neck problem. he did - we prayed for him. it got better. we prayed again. he was healed. I told him as we parted that "Jesus loves you".

a few minutes later as we walked into the mall, another word of knowledge came for a back problem. there were two security guards, both Nepali hindus - a man and a woman. I asked which one of them had the problem. language was a problem so I pointed to the exact spot where the Lord has shown me, and it was for the woman. we prayed for her. don't really know what happened because they didn't understand us well enough to tell us what had happened.

right after that, I ask a Filipino woman employee if she had an arm problem after I thought I had gotten another word - it was a wrong word, but she said she had a foot problem. her foot was bandaged, she had sprained it the day before. I had my son kneel down and pray quickly - she was quite nervous at this point. she said it "felt better". we told her we would follow up with her before we left the mall. as we were leaving, we came back and I this time I asked her manager, an Arab muslim man, if we could help her. I told him we only needed 5 minutes. he said, "take 15 minutes if you need it". she came with us to a place where she could sit down. I got to lay hands on her foot and we prayed once - she felt something happening and then she got up to test it out. It was considerably better. we prayed a 2nd time. this time I felt something happen and when she checked it out, there was no pain. she was completely healed. I encouraged her to give testimony in her Church as to what Jesus did for her!

a while later we were in a nut shop. I got a couple of words of knowledge (for a headache and a wrist problem), but we waited because the two employees were serving other customers in this small shop. I asked my friend to see if the Lord would give him any words of knowledge. a minute later he said, "left ear". I said that I had gotten some different ones but would ask the Lord for confirmation. sure enough I got the same word for a left ear problem and when we asked the 1st employee he said, "no we don't have that problem". I asked if the other employee, an Egyptian muslim man, had that particular problem and to both their surprise, he did. They wanted to know how we knew and so I told him that God has revealed it and wanted to heal him. My friend prayed for the man and I told him it wasn't going to be a problem any more. Then I asked him if he had a wrist problem (one of my original words) and he pointed to his friend who had that problem. we then got to pray for him.

we had a few other encounters with people - one guy was scared when the word of knowledge was accurate and wouldn't let us pray (a Gulf Arab muslim man), and other words we gave weren't right. we left so encouraged though just to have seen God work and reveal things we couldn't know (words of knowledge) and do things we couldn't do (heal people). not a bad day of shopping - btw, I bought some macadamia nuts in the nut shop. they were awesome!!!
