muslims being called out and healed

while in a mall yesterday, I was with a new friend who was buying some things and the Lord gave a couple of words of knowledge - first was for a left hand condition. I asked the employee who was helping us and she said she would ask around. We never found that person, but another word came for a left knee condition. A Lebanese muslim man who worked there had that problem. I told him in Arabic that God had revealed his condition because He wanted to heal it. I just knelt down, put my hand on his knee and prayed. After prayer, he testified that the pain had gone (as he was testing it out). Then another word of knowledge came for a stomach condition. One of the employees, I believe a Filipino woman who had converted to Islam had that problem. I had another Filipino woman (a Catholic woman) who worked there lay hand on her and we prayed TOGETHER. When this muslim woman looked a bit hesitant before we prayed, I just had her muslim manager (the Lebanese man) testify to his miracle. You've got to love the way the Lord's Kingdom breaks in.

In closing, I gave the Catholic lady some further instructions how to released the Kingdom in praying for her muslim colleague. I love the way that God will break into a situation where there are Christ followers who are "on the job" to follow up what God has just begun!
