More Accuracy in the Word of Knowledge

This has been an incredible season of the Lord giving not just a single word of knowledge for someone – but 2 or 3 details about the person that needs a miracle.  I've been journaling words that I have been getting in worship contexts – last night, the Lord gave me a word about a brain tumor and then indicated exactly the location in the brain.  The woman with that came for prayer.  Another one was for carpal tunnel in the right wrist AND a headache in the back right part of the head.  That woman came forward for prayer.  Faith explodes when God gives specific details – He wants to give us more revelation.  Will we wait for it?  Will we then take the risks to call out the compounded words He gives us?  It is riskier to give 2-3 details.  But, it is so worth it when we find the person – win, win!  Everyone is so encouraged.  Faith explodes and healings take place.


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