"I wish I could see a miracle", Iranian woman declares. And then she did!

While out at a restaurant with my family, I noticed that Farsi was being spoken at the next table.  I went over there and introduced myself and within less than a minute a new group of Persian friends had been made, two sisters and two men.

After some small talk about where I was from, my visits to Iran, and how much I loved Persian food, I began to talk to them about miracles of healing.  One of the women, an acupuncturist, declares, "I wish I could see a miracle".  I asked if anybody had any pain.  She pointed to her sister and said she had stomach pain.  I said that I would get my wife as she is a "healer".  And I told her that she would indeed get to see the miracle she wanted to see.

My wife came over and the woman had had a chronic stomach pain condition for years.  The acupuncturist sister said that she had tried absolutely everything and that nothing had worked.  

After praying for the woman with the pain in Jesus' Name, she was completely healed!  Her whole abdomen area felt numb according to the woman.

And then the woman who wanted to see a miracle with amazement declares that she has now seen her first miracle!!  

An invitation was given for my wife to come to their home where they will eat Persian food and they asked if they could bring another woman who needed a "healing miracle" herself.  

These are unprecedented days of openness. And God is pouring out His Spirit on the lost.  Who will GO? Who will OPEN THEIR MOUTHS? Who will OFFER TO PRAY?  

#persians #iranians #healing #miracles 
