"Our truth" vs. THE TRUTH

We live in interesting times where there is much confusion as to what constitutes "truth". In the culture, you will hear people talking about "my truth" vs. "your truth". As if all truth is equally valid or as if there are in fact 'many truths'. 

I saw this today as I came across the story of a university that was revoking the charter of a pro-Palestinian campus group called the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) due to their support of Hamas. To justify their actions, the university's statement said, "The National SJP has called on its chapters to engage in conduct that supports Hamas in its call for the violent elimination of Israel and the Jewish people". 

Like Hamas, this campus group's sentiments clearly include the destruction of the State of Israel and the wiping out of the Jewish people.

Hate groups are of course allowed to exist in a society that constitutionally guarantees the freedom of speech or the freedom of expression. And there are many hate groups that have thrived in recent years in America: Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) are two that come immediately to mind. 

Why am I even writing this blog post today? Because of the wording of the hate group that was being kicked off of the university campus. Upon hearing the news, they put this out on social media, "With heavy hearts, we would like to announce that our chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine has been unjustly de-charted. This comes as a part of Brandeis University, an institution that values social justice, trying to silence us from speaking our truth".

The final two words are what jumped out at me - they are referencing "our truth". Of course, they are using the woke language of the Social Justice movement in America which is ironic as many within that student organization would believe they are fighting for "their truth" because they would believe they are fighting for THE truth. The student organization was founded in 1993 by an Islamic scholar named Hatem Bazian. No Islamic scholar believes in "my truth" vs. "your truth" vs. "our truth". Islamic scholars believe they have "the truth".

So, effectively the student group's statement is "politically correct" and utterly deceptive. 

And Christians do not claim to have "our truth". A follower of Jesus doesn't talk about "my truth". 

We as Christians have THE TRUTH. 

Jesus said that He was/is "THE TRUTH" (John 14:6) - And that means that there are no other faiths, no other ideologies that are also "the truth". If Jesus is the truth, then all other religions and all other ideologies are in fact false.

This is considered obnoxious in the multicultural, multi-ideological world in which we live. How dare we question another person's "truth"! How arrogant to think that some truth claim is actually more true than another truth claim.

All other religions in some way claim to know the truth or the way of truth (i.e. Buddhism) but only one religious leader ever made the claims that Jesus made - and not only did He claim to be God in the flesh, not only did He claim that He was the only way to know God and to live forever, but He backed up His claim by dying and raising from the dead.  No other religious leader has ever done that making Jesus unique not only in His claims but in proving Himself to be who He said He was/is.

And when we assess the SJC's claim for "their truth", we can weigh and dismiss it as we compare it to the teachings of Jesus who commanded believers to "love your enemies and do good to those who hate you" (Luke 6:27). This proves that the SJC in no way represents God and His truth. This is how we can reject their truth claims and the claims of the religion of the organization's founder.

Jesus went on to say, that His followers "would know the truth and that the truth would set them free" (John 8:32) 

Hatred is being peddled today in the name of "Justice" and/or in the name of "our truth".

Thankfully we have known THE TRUTH for 2000 years. And His TRUTH is the only truth and His teachings are what the world desperately needs in this hour.
