Miracles in the Middle East as the Kingdom of God Came in Power

We just got back from nearly one month in the Middle East. I wouldn't know where to begin in terms of trying to document the miraculous things that happened. Many were prayed for, and of those, many testified to pain leaving their bodies. Often the prayer was preceded by a word of knowledge indicating what the precise problem was. I am thinking of a Saudi Arabian Muslim man we met in his country. My buddy got a word of knowledge for him about a problem he had in his right hand/thumb. He had the problem. We prayed for him in Arabic and he was healed. This led to a longer conversation with him by another Arab believer (on my phone) who prayed for him and shared with him the Gospel. 

We saw a couple of people give their lives to Christ - one of them we baptized shortly thereafter with her husband who also only recently gave his life to Christ. Both of them were Muslims who are now following Christ. 

We got pray for people who needed to be set free from demonic oppression. And we have invitations to pray with other Muslims who need deliverance but who have yet to receive it.

Others had dreams/encounters that are pointing them to Christ. One Muslim woman in particular is close to the Kingdom - God rocked her world with a bunch of prophetic words that touched her deeply, that was followed with an encounter with an angel that literally saved her life from a fire that had started in her apartment while she was sleeping. 

We had the opportunity to speak with many Muslims who heard the Gospel for the very first time. They heard clearly that Jesus who was/is both God and man came to die for their sins as an atoning sacrifice. We didn't shy away from the "difficult doctrines" - the Deity of Christ and His death and resurrection. At times, I would pull out the Nicene Creed in Arabic and have one of our Muslim friends read it OUT LOUD for all to hear. I told them, "you may reject our faith, but at least you should know what we believe accurately". The vast majority of Muslims have NO IDEA what Christians really believe. We owe it to them to at least let them know what they are rejecting. 

We directed many Muslims to online resources that they can access to learn more. I sent evangelistic resources to those we had numbers from including an excellent book entitled, "What Does God Want?" which is a powerful tool that presents Muslims with the Gospel and how they can become part of the Family of God in Christ.

Our trip exceeded all of our expectations. God's Kingdom is truly expanding in these days in unprecedented ways. We saw in one country what feels like the beginning of a national church, with Christian families worshipping together. God is establishing something in these days. Bold, new believers who are hungry for God and willing to shared their faith with others.

For such a time as this...


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