The HUMILIATION of Babylon - a modern fulfillment of Isaiah 47
To review a key chapter in Biblical History, God's people came under judgment in 586 BC when the southern Kingdom was conquered by the Babylonians and they were taken into captivity in Babylon for 70 years as was prophesied.
Also prophesied was that one day they would be freed from their captivity and allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Jewish Temple.
A great story - faith-filled, inspiring and yet sobering. Disobedience leads to judgment. And God ultimately delivered His people. God has never changed and "everything that was written in the past was written to teach us" (Romans 15:4).
An aspect of the story however that only recently seems to have been re-considered is that God raised up a PAGAN king, King Cyrus, to judge the PAGAN Babylonians. While God judged His people for their disobedience of His commandments, He also judgment upon the pagan "tool", the Babylonians, that He used to first judge the People of God.
Cyrus is mentioned in several passages and his mandate FROM GOD was BOTH to set the Jewish people, God's people, free from their captivity AND to judge the pagan Babylonians for their sin.
God is the OMNIRESOURCEFUL one as one theologian has so aptly put it. He can and does use anything and everything to accomplish His purposes. Cyrus was used to bring BOTH salvation AND judgment at the same time.
Many Christians have struggled with God's purpose for President Donald Trump. They didn't like him back in 2016 and they don't like him today. I was one of those who was opposed to him in 2015 and 2016 leading up to the Presidential Election. However, that was because I was ignorant as to what God had purposed for this man. I didn't know about prophets who had seen his presidency long before he ever considered running. I think of Kim Clement who prophesied Donald Trump would be president and for 2 terms back in 2007. Other prophetic voices in the years leading up to 2016 also saw his presidency and the things God would use him to achieve.
One of the most significant prophetic pictures for Donald Trump is that he would come onto the scene as a modern-day Cyrus. He was the 45th President and Isaiah 45 speaks exclusively about the Biblical Cyrus. The mandate to "drain the swamp" echoes the Biblical mandate that the Persian Cyrus had in 6th Century BC.
Yes, there was a lot of confusion amongst prophetic people as some believed Donald Trump's two prophesied terms (i.e. Kim Clement) would be consecutive, back-to-back. And when he wasn't back in the White House after the 2020 Elections many backed away, doubting things that God had in fact spoken.
Just because someone has a prophetic destiny that is like some Biblical character, doesn't mean that everything about them will mirror the Biblical character. But clearly, Donald Trump's purpose to be a modern-day Cyrus was not completed with his first term. The swamp was not drained. In fact, the swamp created and released COVID to stop the influence of President Trump. And it looked to many as if they had succeeded.
BUT GOD.... (as it has so often been said)
God wasn't finished with His calling, purpose and mandate for Donald Trump and as we all know, he just won in a complete landslide, which would have been far greater if the cheating by the Democrats could have been stopped completely. The REAL numbers and the REAL Electoral votes would shock us all!
Why did I entitle this blog post, "The Humiliation of Babylon"???
In the days following this recent Election, I thought about Trump as #45 and I had seen so many shirts/hats with the designation *45-47*. I knew the prophetic significance of 45 (Isaiah 45) but then I wondered, what about 47? Could it be that even as Isaiah 45 spoke prophetically about Donald Trump in some way, could Isaiah 47 also have a prophetic significance for his presidency???
It was then that I was utterly amazed to read that the title in my Study Bible for Isaiah 47 was this: "The Humiliation of Babylon". And who was it that God used to judge Babylon and humiliate that ancient empire? It was King Cyrus!
And today it is a modern-day pagan Babylonian system (philosophical, scientific, political, ethical, luciferian, globalist, atheistic) that has dominated the earth over the past 100+ years. The so-called "swamp" that Donald Trump vowed 'to drain' was/is the quintessential expression of this godless, evil 'Babylonian system' that infects every aspect of modern Western culture - from Hollywood, to the sciences, to our universities and obviously the so-called political "Deep State".
If Trump is truly a Cyrus, and the parallels between him and the ancient Persian king hold true (which I believe they do!), then Isaiah 47 is what we can expect to see in this coming presidency of Donald Trump. The swamp will be drained as Babylon comes under God's judgment at the hands of his human vessel, the 47th U.S. President, Donald Trump.
Take a few minutes to read Isaiah 47 and then we must pray. We pray that God would accomplish ALL that He purposed in raising up this man and the movement that he has been the catalyst for. We pray that Babylon would be humiliated as God judges the pervasive evil that infects all of the aforementioned areas of culture and society.
To think that we most likely would have missed the prophetic importance of 47, and more specifically Isaiah 47, had our modern-day Cyrus simply served as the 45th and 46th President. There are many reasons we can come up with for why it had to happen this way, but could it also be that it had to wait for Trump to be the 47th so that the things Cyrus did in days of old, God would also do today at the hand of President Trump?
And I LOVE the fact that so many Christians lament Donald Trump's spiritual state! The Biblical Cyrus was a pagan king who the Scriptures say did NOT know God (Isaiah 45:4-5) but that he was God's chosen vessel. Just like the Biblical Cyrus, our modern day Cyrus also does not know God. Unlike some Christians, I personally do not believe President Trump is currently a follower of Jesus. If he was, he would NOT be able to be quiet about it. It is his very nature to speak boldly about what is in his heart!
A major difference however is that it has been prophesied that our modern-day Cyrus will come to know Christ and according to the prophetic words of Kim Clement, will be "baptized in the Holy Spirit" and that Trump will leave the Office of President SHOUTING God's Name.
As for now, I am rejoicing that our just God is going to bring great justice to our nation in this very hour of history. Evil is going to be punished. Righteousness is going to be seen by all! Those who make up the Babylonian system will be brought down even as they face God's justice for their corruption, crimes, perversion and depravity. That is...if our Cyrus today truly is like the Cyrus of old.
For such a time as this...
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