Lump in breast disappears

On February 24 my mother had called to say that her doctor had felt a lump in one of her breasts. We began praying against this, and I wrote this prayer for her to repeat: "I reject this infirmity that is trying to invade my body. I know that there is no cancer in the Kingdom of God, and so I refuse to allow it to grow in my body. The Lord is my healer. I see this as one of the works of the devil which Jesus came to destroy. In Jesus' name, by whose stripes I am healed, I bind fear and all other works of darkness and I loose the healing power of the Kingdom of God in my body." Today I received this email from her: “Healed by His stripes!! Yes, the mammogram results showed that there were no significant abnormalities... I came out of the mammo room all smiling. Thanks for the prayer ... I will cherish it because I prayed it many, many times and learned a lot about praying for diseases…
