Kingdom Principle: If you keep swinging, you'll eventually get a hit!

Last night, as we walked into a hotel, I got a word of knowledge about someone with a left knee problem. The first people I noticed were the two security guards at the door, both Egyptian Muslims. One of them had the problem (and it was bothering him right then) and I prayed for him. I told him that God was going to touch his knee and when we left I would check to see how it was. When we left about 20 minutes later, he testified that both his knees felt considerably better.

In a restaurant, we got to minister to some Nepali men (mostly Hindus). We tried to approach a group with a couple of words of knowledge that weren’t on, but then I got a strong word of knowledge for our waiter in my wrist. He had a wrist problem and we prayed and all the pain left – he said he was healed. He came back for another condition in his right arm (above the elbow). We prayed twice and all the pain left his arm too.

Another Nepali, who was translating for us, happened to be a backslidden Christian. He didn’t need any healing but I asked him to give me his hand and I would see if the Lord wanted to say something prophetically to him. When I grabbed his hand, I saw a picture of him leading worship and I asked about it. He had led worship on guitar when he was back in Nepal. I believe our whole reason for going into the restaurant was to actually meet this Christian man and remind him of his destiny in God.

Next we headed to another restaurant, and things there started pretty badly – I missed it with about 4 words of knowledge. I kept asking people and getting it wrong. Finally, I asked these two Arab Muslim men (from Jordan or Palestine) if they had one of two problems that needed healing and missed it again. When I explained what I wanted to do, one of them said, “I have a wrist problem”. He let me pray and after praying twice he said that all the pain had gone when he tried to do something he couldn’t do before without pain. He was rather shocked. Also while praying I got an accurate word about an eye problem, which he had. Perhaps the most significant thing was that I got a prophetic word that he was in the middle of some serious confusion, which he was.

Although I ended up missing a number of words, God was faithful and opened a door for ministry, gave some accurate words and brought healing to this skeptical man’s wrist. We've just got to keep swinging and we’ll get a hit!
