Led by the Holy Spirit to the middle of nowhere to meet deaf Muslim man

Last night I experienced arguably the most unusual leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. As we prepared to go out, the Lord really came upon me strongly – both of my arms and hands were tingling with a strong sense of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. One of the words of knowledge the Lord gave was about a left ear problem.

As we headed out, Sojourner, an Ethiopian brother and myself teamed up and started heading to a hotel but started heading there in an indirect way. As we were driving past a large, empty, undeveloped dirt area the word of knowledge comes again for the left ear and I say to Sojourner, “turn off into this area because somebody is out there who has the problem with the left ear”.

As we began to pull off into the darkness, we saw two cars parked next to each other – I said to the others, “the person must be there”.

What happened next is probably the strangest God appointment I’ve ever had! Two Gulf Arab Muslim men were talking (each in their own car) and I approached them to ask who had a left ear problem. The shock and amazement on their faces was priceless. One of them had been deaf in his left ear since early childhood. Immediately, he related to me a strange thing that had happened four days earlier. As he was driving, a call came to his mobile and for the first time ever, he took the earpiece and put it into his deaf left ear. He was somehow connecting our “divine appointment” with the ‘prophetic act’ he had performed a few days before.

I shared quickly how I had seen two deaf ears open in the past couple of months. I just wanted to build their faith a bit. However, what they really wanted to know was HOW we could have possibly known that they were there in the middle of nowhere and that we knew that one of them had the left ear problem. They thought that we must have some special “device” that led us to them and identified the ear problem. Even though I explained it was the Holy Spirit who led us and explained a bit how He did that (through words of knowledge and some prophetic impressions) the guy with the ear actually got out of his car and searched both Sojourner and myself (like being searched by airport security) to make sure we didn’t have this so-called “device”. The last thing he thought was that our Ethiopian friend, who stayed in our car, was doing some kind of magic. It is always amazing to see the wild explanations that unbelievers come up with to try and explain the ministry of the Holy Spirit!

Anyway, these two Muslim men were “convinced” that we were there for some reason and we got to pray for the man’s ear. As I prayed, I sensed the presence of God strongly, however he felt nothing. Whereas we saw no difference in the ear last night, I assured this Gulf Arab man that God didn’t lead us to a remote area, show us that someone has an ear problem for nothing. He called me later in the evening on my mobile to ask, “How much longer will I wait for my deafness to go”?

I have never in my life been driving down a road and have the Holy Spirit tell me to turn off into the darkness and that I'll find a person who needs a miracle of healing. To be honest, there are times when it is easy to doubt and believe that a word of knowledge or an impression isn’t from God, but what happened last night was so God it really kind of scared me – can I say that? I walk away from that whole experience with a whole new sense of awe for God and His miraculous ways. And we are still waiting to see the deaf ear healed!!
