Gulf Arab believer encounters God again (and again…)

Dark Horse and I met with a young Gulf Arab believer last week. She got excited and asked for prayer for an encounter. We asked the Holy Spirit to come and fill her – with His love, with His power. We asked her to stand, we laid hands on her and began to pray. Immediately the presence of God filled the room and it was like God’s peace just began to wash over her like a waterfall. At one point, she was taking big, deep breaths and she said, “I can smell Him” (the Lord).

God overwhelmed her and she couldn’t stand and she fell back in to the chair. We could tell that she was no longer with us (so to speak). She was somewhere else. We kept soaking her in prayer. Dark Horse was giving her prophetic words. After a while, we asked her what was going on. She couldn’t even speak – she would only whisper really softly – “I can see His eyes” (later she explained that Jesus’ eyes were right in front of her). When He was gazing into her eyes, she knew that He knew absolutely everything about her, she was completely exposed and yet felt completely safe.

Later in the encounter, we asked again what was happening and she said, “I am floating”. At the end of this encounter, she said she felt as if she had been “reborn”. She then said, “I’m so hungry for Him…it’s like I’m a Jesus junky”.

We prayed that she would have more visions and early the next morning she had two visions.

Note: since I wrote the above, she has had yet another powerful prophetic dream!
