Man gets healed on the outside and the inside

This last month we have been in the north of Europe and have seen God move in power amongst the youth as they have gotten saved, healed, delivered and then activated in doing the works of Jesus. It has been fantastic to see! The first day we were in the country we were apart of a revival conference with over one hundred youth. Young people from all over the area had come to encounter the presence of God and see his kingdom established in their lives and regions. While in the meeting I prayed for a man in a red shirt who suffered with back pain, and a finger problem that generally hurt him whenever he was doing manual work. He also suffered from depression and was dealing with past issues with his brother, which I did not know about until later. I commanded the pain to leave in his back and finger three separate times before he was able to testify that all the pain was gone. He was thrilled!

Near the end of the night my wife comes up to me and told me that she had just been praying for a man in a red shirt that had been going through some troubling times and needed to be loved on and filled with some joy! I looked over to see that it was the same man I had been praying for earlier. My wife then told me that he really wanted to buy us pizza and talk to us more about how he could be set free. So while we enjoyed our pizza we got to talk, counsel and prophesy destiny over the man and reconcile him back to his brother. We have encountered many people here who need to feel the loving embrace of daddy God and get healed up inside.
This was just the first day of our time here, and much more has happened since. I will continue to post in more when I get the change to write it all down.
