healings and prophecy is a neighboring country

Isaac of Ninevah and I had the chance to minister together in a nearby Arab country this past weekend. It was an incredibly focused time of ministry together - a couple of days full of God's presence, hearing His voice and seeing Him move.

We ministered together in a meeting where we saw a number of physical healings as well as God releasing many prophetic words. The Lord gave us a number of words of knowledge and we had others attending the meeting lay hands on those who were sick and/or in pain. Several testified of being healed after receiving prayer. I trust Isaac will write more about his impressions of that meeting.

A highlight for me was when Isaac and I were able to really partner in the supernatural - on one occasion he called someone out to give them a prophetic word and then while he was ministering to that person the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for that same person - in this case for a back problem. The sister next to her (as they were in the back of the room while we were ministering from the front) laid hands on her back and the Lord brought her healing. Prophecy and healing working together through the Body working together.

I know we have yet to see what God wants to do/release if we are truly covenanted to work together in Kingdom ministry.
