Canadian healings and signs from heaven

Our time in Canada was incredible - we had 4 meetings over a 5 day period and saw the Lord do many things. I can't remember all the different things we saw healed, but each service we would begin with demonstrations of God's power - we would call out words of knowledge that the team received and would pray. It was amazing to see the Lord's healing touch each night.

There were just too many different healings to recall but we saw backs, knees, migraines, shoulders, ear conditions, stomachs, feet and all other types of things healed. Pain leaving, movement restored, flexibility returned. Just the types of things that happen when His Kingdom comes.

One night I had called out a word of knowledge for people needing dental miracles. The first woman that responded to the word - the Lord gave her a gold filling where she had none before. Her sister checked her mouth before we prayed and she had no visible fillings whatsoever. After praying, a gold filling was in her back right lower molar. She was amazed - as were we! Then the Lord gave her another filling in one of her teeth which was of some other sort of substance (platinum?). We really don't know what it was - but it was very cool! Another man also came forward for prayer and the Lord changed two of his silver fillings almost entirely into gold. His daughter was in tears. He had needed (or was told he needed) crowns on those two teeth - we can't wait to hear what the dentist says when he checks them:) These were "signs" from the Lord. Some ask why? I just want to fall down and worship a God who releases "signs that make us wonder" (as Bill Johnson says).

At the end of each of the services, the team would pray for people for at least a couple of hours each night - we saw many people healed during these times. I don't even know all the different things that the others saw - but basically, as the Scriptures record, God was healing "all manners of sickness and disease". This is NORMAL Christianity - refuse to let anybody tell you differently.
