"Love Your Neighbor" - one of the most abused phrases by Christian leaders during Covid

Megan Basham's recent Daily Wire article is a MUST-READ - "How Church Leaders Aligned With Fauci To Discredit Experts Opposed To COVID Mandates" (https://www.dailywire.com/news/how-church-leaders-aligned-with-fauci-to-discredit-experts-opposed-to-covid-mandates)

So far, the article remains behind a paywall for subscribers only. I have yet to read it in its entirety but have listened to a detailed summary by Jon Harris in his Conversations That Matter podcast. 

To summarize some of her points, Basham has Tweeted this:

“Love your neighbor” has become a catchall cudgel for pushing any number of progressive policies in the church. Covid lockdowns/mandates, open borders, environmental regulation. What gets forgotten is that ppl suffer on the other side of the coin for every one of these issues."

"People starved and were pushed into poverty by Covid policies. Blue-collar people see their wages depressed, drug and sex traffickers flood the country due to open borders. Prices go up and entire industries are decimated by fossil fuel regulations." 

"This is why “love your neighbor” should primarily mean how you treat those you live with side-by-side every day. It should not be a cheap slogan for politicking."

In her article, she shows that in addition to supporting the disastrous Covid policies, and the subsequent toxic 'jabs' it was equally important that Christians discredit the critics who were opposing the Fauci/CDC/WHO Covid policies. The critics, many of who were doctors and scientists, were demonized, called "conspiracy theorists", and considered "anti-science", "anti-vaxxers" - and a whole bunch of other designations. 

For example, the statement put out by BioLogos (the organization that Francis Collins founded) was signed by thousands of Christians. Entitled "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, GET THE SHOT! A CHRISTIAN STATEMENT ON SCIENCE FOR PANDEMIC TIMES (https://statement.biologos.org/)

It was signed by well-known 'Evangelicals' like Philip Yancey, N.T Wright, David French, Rich Mouw, Scot McKnight, Darrell Bock, Samuel Rodriguez, and Phil Vischer. (I used the term 'Evangelical' loosely for some of these because they have drifted in a progressive direction - theologically, politically, and culturally).

Pretty much everything in the statement has proven to be wrong (see Basham's aforementioned article). The lockdown and other policies led to hundreds of thousands of deaths globally. The statement was propaganda and countless Christians and Christian leaders were duped. Instead of "love your neighbor" what they endorsed led to people suffering and dying. 
  • Has the statement been taken down? NO! (people are still signing it!!!!)
  • Have the signers repented for what they advocated? NO! 
  • Have your pastor who advocated any of these things renounced their support of such policies? 
  • Have they taken responsibility for being so wrong and influencing you/others?
I will not comment on which of the Christians above were actually complicit and in the know except for Francis Collins. He was involved with Fauci in the gain-of-function (GOF) research despite their categorical denials. Based on what we now know, Collins can only be described as a "wolf in sheep's clothing" who has knowingly partnered with evil.

Most of them were used as "useful idiots" to propagate an agenda and let us be clear that it was a progressive POLITICAL one at that, amongst the Christians they influenced. 

I can't tell you how many Christians I know who felt like they were "doing the loving thing" by complying with governmental regulations, by not gathering, by social distancing, by wearing masks, and ultimately getting the so-called "vaccines" (which are not vaccines). And lest we forget their accusations that those of us who disagreed with the 'groupthink' were being "unloving" and "unChristlike".

For the disunity and division that has resulted in the Church to heal, these Christians must acknowledge they were wrong, and they must repent for what they did/have done. 

And as far as I have seen, this has not happened yet. 
