Psalm 81/82 - God's judgment AND vindication and deliverance.


Psalm 81 (Septuagint/LXX) = Psalm 82 in Masoretic Text/MT. 

The "gods" are angelic beings and this Psalm describes their fall; their judgment. It refers to those "sons of God" who were put over the nations (Deut 32:8) but who abused their assignments. 

Let us pray verse 8 for the hour that we are now in across this nation and all over the Earth. And for God (YAHWEH) to judge and to "vindicate" (v. 3). These fallen entities (also called in the Old Testament either the "sons of God" and/or "Watchers") have been manipulating things by controlling the Luciferian Globalist Deep State (to cite their modern manifestation and dominant strategy over the past few hundred years). Psalm 81 has an ongoing application. Recently when looked at the Book of Joel we saw this same ongoing dynamic. In short, there are many "days of the Lord" throughout salvation history before THE final Day of the Lord. There was a "day of the Lord" when God raised up a Persian King to judge the Babylonians while setting the people of God free. There have been many "days of the Lord" throughout history and we are at a point where a growing number are convinced we are in one of those moments right now. 

NOTE: Admittedly, there are many who think 'THE' Day of the Lord is near. I am of the opinion that we are rather at 'A' Day of the Lord moment and that 'THE' Final Day of the Lord is still yet future.

What does this mean? It means that God is about to exercise His judgment against evil forces/people AND to vindicate, to restore in a day of the Lord dynamic. It has been called a modern "Red Sea Moment" - A time when God will bring deliverance/vindication and blessing to His Remnant while at the very same time bringing judgment to the wicked forces of Pharaoh (today this would mean the Babylonian "system" of the Globalists). 

As for Moses and the Israelites, Deliverance AND judgment are about to come at the same time once again! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8).

Psalm 81 also reveals that the people (which includes many of our friends and families), who are under the Globalist Cabal Deep State System that these angelic entities empower, are largely ignorant (v. 5 - "they did not know, nor did they understand"). That helps me not to get so angry at other people - they are deceived. They are captives. And they are in need of being set free from that ideological bondage. Yes, some know and are truly evil reprobates, but countless millions are deceived victims. And our heart should be, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing".

Tragically, this includes many Christians and even Christian leaders. Case in point: a huge number of theologians, pastors, and Bible teachers do not have any idea what this Psalm (81/82) is referring to. Just look at their commentaries! They misidentify the "gods" - somehow thinking them to be human judges! No one in antiquity understood this Psalm in this way. NO ONE. 

They are also unaware of the meaning of Deuteronomy 32:8 - thinking that somehow that verse references the "sons of Israel" (a corruption that came into the Masoretic text) that we have had corrected by the Septuagint ("angels of God") and the Dead Sea Scrolls ("sons of God"). A mistranslation (or corrupted text in the case of the Masoretic Hebrew in Deut. 32:8) also contributes to misunderstanding Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel event which precipitates a 3rd Angelic Fall (after Satan's and the Fall of the Watchers in Genesis 6) which we know Psalm 81/2 is describing.

And these "gods" are the "principalities and powers" (Eph 6:12) that Paul describes. The battle is ongoing and the influence of these fallen angelic beings is ongoing. When the Apostle John said in 1 John 5:19 that "we KNOW that the whole world lies under the power of the evil one", he said that AFTER the Cross, AFTER the Resurrection and Ascension, AFTER the sending of the Holy Spirit! Far too many Christians in the name of upholding the doctrine of the Sovereignty of God have concluded that the whole world is rather under God's meticulous control. Ironically this is a pagan idea that was imported directly from Stoicism via St. Augustine in the 5th century. 

And don't get me wrong - God is Sovereign and He will bring judgment and vindication. He will deliver His Remnant. He will manifest His justice. That is what Psalm 81/2 is all about! These fallen "gods" do not get the last word. They don't get the glory. They are created beings and they have faced and will continue to face Yahweh's justice. 


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