LENT 2024 - A doctor calls fasting 'miraculous'

You would think after what the doctor in my following blog post says about fasting that everyone would want to incorporate it into their lifestyles. 

Sadly, that is not the case.

A large percentage of health problems in our modern world are related directly to obesity rates and in particular are metabolic in nature. Fasting is an ancient practice that 

Why doesn't every doctor in the world shout these truths from the rooftops? Because they are incentivized to push pharmaceutical solutions for each and every problem. On a more cynical and conspiratorial side, most doctors are "programmed" by a worldview and a system that hinders many of them from seeing what the doctor I am citing is advocating. I am sure she would be dismissed as "out of the mainstream" and/or "fringe". 

But our health problems just continue to increase...talk about deception!

How is fasting 'miraculous' for our health? Read and see:


