Social Distancing vs. "Kingdom Distancing"

Before I explore in this blog post the concept of "Kingdom Distancing", I want to review the unBiblical responses of millions of Christians during COVID.

Back in 2020, a well-meaning Charismatic Christian wrote this for Charisma Magazine: God’s assignment is for you to be in your home, using your Social Distancing, and washing your hands.”

This author was/is WRONG! It was NOT God's assignment to stay at home and to socially distance. It was His assignment during COVID and it won't be His assignment for His people in the next "pandemic" either! I won't argue with washing our hands as that is just always a good hygienic practice!

I have written several blog posts about Christians not gathering in person, doing "Zoom Church" and staying at home during a so-called "pandemic".

1. this "Christian" author is simply wrong (and presumptuous) #go2people - LINK -

2. It's time to Zoom from the Zoom - What the Lord said in 2020 During COVIDLINK -

3. Gathering IN PERSON is the ONLY way we can fulfill the command to love one another - LINK  -

This blog post, however, is about Social Distancing vs. what I am calling "Kingdom Distancing". We all know only all too well what Social Distancing is - staying 6 feet apart from other people.

Back the start of COVID in 2020, we had an specific assignment from the Lord to go out and minister to fearful people. We called it "fear extinguishing" (we wrote about many of those stories on this blog if you search for the term you can find those).

However, at that time, I was unaware that Social Distancing was actually in and of itself a "program". Something designed to keep people in fear, to keep them under control. 

Why the 'random' 6 feet (or 2 meters in most of the world)? Because the way God designed us, the average person has a magnetic field that extends 5 feet around their bodies. By getting people to remain 6 feet apart, they were able to keep humanity disconnected. And effectively unable to positively influence one another!

How does this work spiritually? Someone is under a spirit of fear. They are isolated. Living "Socially Distanced" from others. Along comes someone who is NOT under fear, but living in fearless love. We know from God's Word that "Love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18). If I am being controlled by God's love, then what I am giving off, in my 5 foot radius, is more powerful than the fear that someone else is living under. By getting close enough to others (getting within 5 feet of them), we can actually help to set people free from their fear. 

But the Globalists DESIGNED their strategy to keep people apart, to keep people "Socially Distanced" 6 feet from one another which served to keep people under fear!

Before I understood what I've just described, I actually saw how this worked in actuality. At some point during 2021, when most people had stopped wearing masks (which also did NOT work), a woman came into a church service wearing a mask. The Lord spoke to me at that point and instructed me to go and sit behind her in close proximity to her. If I did so, the Lord assured me that she would take off her mask by the end of the worship service. So, I did just that. I sat behind her (well within the 5 foot radius of the 'field' I have around my body). And sure enough, at the end of the service the took off her mask and even went forward to testify that she had been wearing the mask since the beginning of COVID and only that night took it off for the first time around others. 

Why was she set free? I didn't say anything. I don't even recall that I was doing in special praying for her. The assignment was "go sit as close to her as possible and she'll take off her mask by the end of the service". The fearlessness/the love that I was operating in, overcame the fear that was controlling her (1 Jn. 4:18). And that only happened when I chose to "Kingdom Distance" from her! 

Note: Since I do not understand Quantum Physics, I will refer you to some of Dr. Lara Sanger's work which has helped me comprehend some of these complex concepts.

The War of FrequenciesLINK

For more of Dr. Sanger's articlesLINK

So, what then is "Kingdom Distancing"? It would be getting close enough to someone else (meaning within 5 feet of them) to be able to help them, to assist them, EVEN IF WE SAY NOTHING! It is getting close enough to another person to allow what you are carrying as one within whom God's Kingdom resides (Luke 17:21) and therefore what is radiating around you (for at least 5 feet!) to influence them. 

My new exhortation will now be - "Don't forget to 'Kingdom Distance' from others!"

Kingdom thinking is ALWAYS counter to the world's thinking, to the demonic programming of fallen entities (be them angelic and/or human).

The Luciferian, Globalist program was/is to stay apart, to be disconnected, to stay outside of the God designed, God ordained way that humanity was/is created to help one another. By being close to others, we actually end up keeping them free from the fear that the demonic realm uses to hold them hostage.

Therefore Christians MUST meet in person! They must get within 5 feet of each other (and others we want to minister to). Is it no wonder God commanded us to lay hands on others when we pray?

When I first wrote the previous blog posts, I was unaware that 'Social Distancing' itself was/is a program. I sought to honor it at that time and would even tell our critics who felt we were being irresponsible by going out and ministering to people in person during COVID that we were doing so in accordance to the distancing mandates. I was wrong. 

And I would not comply with any mandate to Socially Distance in the future. Only when we get within 5 feet of other people can we help them the way God has designed us to be able to minister to them. The 6 foot distance was designed to keep people in fear and to keep them controlled. Yes, I would honor the person/people in fear who might be uncomfortable with my closeness, but knowing what I know now about "Kingdom Distance" (God's design for us to physically be able to help people in fear), I would do all that I could to get within 5 feet of the person I am ministering to. 

#socialdistancing #kingdomdistancing #COVID #COVID-19 #pandemic #luciferian #globalist #control #fear #programming #mindcontrol 
