"Reading the mail" of a Lebanese Druze man

Last night three of us headed out after the Lord had given Isaac of Ninevah and Tenacious B, some prophetic pictures about who we would meet, the problems they would have and where exactly in the city we should go.

Our first stop was a bakery and the restaurant next door - we got to pray for the woman who was working the counter. In the restaurant, we got to pray for several Muslim men, including two Arab men who were quite "interested" in what we were doing - they were watching us lay hands on the restaurant workers. To be honest, I'd "wonder" myself what was going on if I didn't know. Many Christians would "wonder" too for that matter.

I just explained to them that God had led us to come here by giving us a vision and showing us things He wanted to heal. I got to pray for one guy who had an elbow and shoulder problem. I felt like the Lord was going to come on him at some time during the night - I told him it would be intense heat. I said he needed to just say "Thank you Lord" and receive healing. I gave him my number and told him to call if that happened.

Next we were off to another location that the Lord had shown us - it was getting late, but then again, most of the "fun" we have seems to happen after 11PM at night.
As we walked into the building, I got a word of knowledge for a problem in the upper chest. I thought it might be for the security guard at the elevator but decided to wait.

As we got upstairs, we found ourselves in a Lebanese Restaurant - during our time of waiting before the Lord, He had given Isaac, a picture of the Lebanese flag. Here we were and did God have an appointment for us.

Pretty much nobody was in the restaurant, and as we were getting shown around by one of the Lebanese waiters, we discovered that he was our "divine appointment" that night. The upper chest word was for him. Isaac had gotten some prophetic words about his brother in Lebanon - who we discovered had hearing problems. More words of knowledge came for this man that were accurate. It was just a powerful time with this man who happened to be from the Druze religion (a mixture of Islam and Christianity with a few other things mixed in).

It sure it fun to be those who are 'led by the Spirit' - it is fun when through prophetic revelation we get to 'read someone's mail'. More Lord
