Score: Kingdom healers 1 - Islamic healer 0

Last night was an opportunity for us to demonstrate that "He that is within us, is greater than he who is in the world". Sojourner is going to write in greater detail about what happened. My 'two cents worth' is really about the challenge to face modern day prophets of Baal and to demonstrate before them that the Power of Jesus that is available to us through the Holy Spirit IS greater than whatever the so-called 'healers' (be them Islamic, New Age or whatever) we encounter have to offer.

In short, a Muslim family from Pakistan in their desperation had turned on several occasions to occult practices and Islamic 'folk healers' for their ailing mother who needed healing. First up, a self-proclaimed Islamic healer who claims to have 'more power than anyone in this country' - one of the most arrogant claims I've ever heard. He even made the statement that "God is in heaven, but I am on the earth". After he met with the mother and performed his 'rituals', NOTHING happened. We know the devil has a measure of power, but we had been praying that he would come up empty and sure enough - no healing, no miracle - nothing.

Next up was two of us last night - Sojourner and myself. What happened? I'll let him tell the story. Let's just say that we were able to do what "mr. all-powerful Islamic healer" couldn't! We give all the Glory to Jesus, apart from whom we can do nothing.
