Vision for Cashier Unredeemed

At the carnival, you can get prizes for tickets. In other words, you can redeem your tickets for a prize. Now, often the Lord will give us words of knowledge so we can redeem them for greater treasure-- the drawing of someone closer to Christ. However, this morning, I got a vision that was on, but went unredeemed. Let me explain.

We were going through the McDonald's drive-thru and now it is set up where the person who takes your order is the same person you pay, but not the same one that gives you your food. Now this limits the amount of time that you spend with each window. It also limits the conversation because while you're paying, the cashier is still taking other orders. Anyway, as we were waiting in line to pay, I asked the Lord what He had for the lady who we were about to pay. I quickly saw a vision of a lady with a baby and the word that the Lord was her provider and would care for her. So, in my unbelief, I was trying to think of ways to spin it: "Do you know someone who has had a baby and is in financial difficulty?, etc." As soon as we pulled up to the window, the cashier was pregnant and I noticed that she didn't have a wedding ring on. Couple that with the fact she was working at a fast food place, it paints a pretty clear picture. Unfortunately, I couldn't talk to her because she was already taking another order and couldn't hear me. Nonetheless, I felt the compassion of the Lord as we left and I prayed that the vision would be redeemed another way.
