still going after any and all cancer - which is still one of God's favorite things to destroy!

The other night I had the opportunity to minister yet again to someone battling with cancer - after seeing cancer healed 3 times in the past year, we are eager to keep 'swinging the bat' to see what God will do. This time it was a woman battling breast cancer which had spread to other places. I shared the testimonies of what God had done, especially over the summer in terms of destroying cancer (one of God's favorite pastimes!). We prayed and now we are asking the Lord to make it possible for the doctors to order another scan before they start chemotherapy. I'll let you know what happens.

Also, I am waiting for the results of friend's tests after praying for his prostrate cancer. I'll also keep you posted.

The bottom line is that cancer IS BEING HEALED and we should be praying for God to destroy it whenever and wherever we find it. For years I prayed for people with cancer, but with little to no expectation that God would really do anything. Times have changed!
