HOLY WEEK (LENT 2024) – DAY 35 – Monday of Holy Week

We as a community are taking each day of Holy Week to consider the things that happened day by day.

I was reminded that on Monday, Jesus wept over Jerusalem. I can imagine the things He was weeping over - how many of His own people were still rejecting Him as the Jewish Messiah, knowing that He was the ONLY WAY that they could be saved from their sins.

What should we be weeping over today when we consider America? (or whatever country we come from) Abortion? The slaughter of MILLIONS of innocent lives in the past one hundred years! The explosion of child sex trafficking. Addictions? Sexual insanity? Homelessness? The breakdown of families? Violence and crime? Christians losing their faith? The millions of people who are currently lost without Jesus with no hope for eternal life? The list goes on and on.

It seems we need to be doing some more weeping!

For such a time as this...


