So-called "Progressive Christianity" is anything but Christian

Somehow I am getting sent articles from the Patheos Blog from their category entitled "Progressive Christianity" - who knows, maybe a former conservative Christian friend of mine whose drifted into apostasy wants to help 'enlighten' me!?

What is abundantly clear from the articles that are getting sent to me, is that "Progressive Christianity" gets every single issue they weigh in on wrong! Every single one - no exceptions!

The actual Apostolic Christian position differs from today's "Progressive Christian" position on every single issue. Even on a issue like concern for the poor, which superficially looks like they would be in agreement, the way they would address the issue would be so diametrically opposed as to constitute a disagreement. In short, "Progressive Christianity" actually advocates immoral approaches to dealing with poverty. What deception!

Jesus and His Apostles would not have considered "Progressive Christianity" Christian. Nor would the early Christians of the first few centuries. If they had been around in the 2nd century, Irenaeus would most certainly have condemned them in his work, Against Heresies!

I dare say not a single Christian in all of Christian history until arguably the 19th Century with the liberal Protestant theologians of the Tübingen School would have considered today's "Progressives Christians" Christian. Even then, those liberal Protestants would have gawked at such concepts as Transgenderism and Critical Theory, not to mention the insane sexual ethics that are tolerated/advocated today by these so-called "liberated" Christians. And there is no possible chance they would agree with their modern stance on abortion! 19th century liberal Christianity was far more Christian than today's "Progressive" ones!

I could document endless examples of just how non-Christian "Progressive Christianity" has become. I've watched many friends take one step and then another. And sure enough over time they have completely abandoned doctrines and convictions they held to be sacred. Their view of Scripture gets destroyed. One of their first stops is to embrace Universalism. Their view of Jesus quickly become heretical. Their morality embraces evil - i.e. abortion. They abandon God's design and purpose for marriage, for human sexuality and even things as basic as gender. The embrace of godless ideologies such as Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, neo-Marxism, Scientism and a slew of other godless and/or pagan ideologies are almost certain to follow. The irony of it all is that there ends up being little difference between modern pagan culture and the values of "Progressive Christianity" - which explains the phenomenon of "deconstruction"!

What is true about the name is that what happens is in fact 'progressive'. It is like a disease that spreads from something minor to something ultimately fatal. I have to admit about the only ones I really admire are those that take the final step in their progression into what they call "deconstruction" for those who openly abandon their Christian faith. Apostasy is the last stop on the progressive Christian journey. 

Sadly, the prophetic Scriptures describe such days. Days in which people "will abandon the faith" (1 Tim. 4:11). It has been said that Jesus and His Apostles spoke 6 times more about deception at the end of the age than about persecution. I don't know if that is a scientific number, but deception is the very atmosphere in which "Progressive Christianity" exists.

Jesus and His Apostles would ALL call any and every "Progressive Christian" to REPENT and to return to the faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3). 

For such a time as this...

#progressive #progressivechristianity #apostasy #heresy #falsedoctrine #falseteaching #liberal #orthodoxy #heterodoxy #morality #criticaltheory #conservative
