'email' word of knowledge (part 2)

After I emailed the prayer (after the word of knowledge), I received an email that a significant amount of healing took place (i.e. the neck was 'much better'), however in the Kingdom there is 'much better' and then there is 'completely gone' - our goal, our mandate is the latter!

This morning I followed up the email with a phone call because I knew that more healing was needed. Again, I asked if my sister could lay her hands on the affected/painful area (which was now her shoulder) and we prayed.

Does 9000 miles of separation affect the effectiveness of Kingdom prayer? Not today it did't! The Lord stretched forth HIS HAND and took away the pain.

The ways in which God is working and will be working in the future should boggle our minds. Who knows what is possible? May we truly attend our ears to hear His voice and simply obey what He then says!
