God Heals Ankles and Draws Another Through Visions!

Last night, DJ, Ravished, and I went out on the town to do the stuff. We had gotten the word to go to this one restaurant in town so we all piled in the car and headed to it. As soon as we walked into the door, there was man there DJ knew! We had a polite conversation and then we went into the restaurant. After our waiter took our order, I asked him if his back hurt. He said that it didn't and then told me that his right ankle sometimes gave him problems and that it was hurting right then. I had gotten a word for a right ankle prior to heading out that night, so I showed him in my little notebook where I had written it down. We, then, prayed for him and he walked around and confirmed that it didn't hurt anymore. Since he didn't have much of a reaction, we doubled-checked with him later that he had had pain before, that after we prayed it had left, and that it was still good. He confirmed it again. From there, we crossed the street to visit some of the guys we had seen touched a few weeks ago.

We sat down in K's shop and started talking. His neighbor shopkeeper (R) then came in and sat down as well. He had to go, but promised he'd come back. Once he got back, we went after K's ankle after I had shown him where I had written down in my book a word for a left ankle. We prayed for a minute and he tested it out and was surprised that it didn't hurt! He walked around some more and started bending it a lot and then came back and told us it wasn't yet 100%. We prayed two or three more times and got up to 90% and then declared that it was a done deal by tomorrow. R, however, started to share with us how his seeing gift had come back and how he had seen some things in a vision before they happened. We told him that God had given him this gift to draw him to Himself and that our meeting wasn't mere coincidence. R went on to relate how he felt like a failure and that he didn't feel like he was really living. DJ was able to share some solid Kingdom stuff with him before we had to leave, but R is hungry and we'll see him again soon I'm sure.

One more note: the whole time we were talking in K's shop, he did more business in that couple of hours than he had done all week. We are God's blessing to the world.
