if only we had stuck with demonstration....

while sitting with Isaac and Ravished at a restaurant, I asked the Lord for a word for two Egyptian muslim men who were sitting next to us. While looking at one of the men, the Lord gave me word of knowledge for a problem in his nose or sinuses. As I asked for more clarity, the impression that it was a 'deviated septum' came to me. This was the first time I have ever gotten this word.

I sat down to see what if the word was accurate, and to my shock the man had a deviated septum. I explained to him that God wanted to heal it. I got another word for him about a shoulder problem, which he also had. It was at this point that I decided to go after the shoulder first to increase faith and then we'd pray for the deviated septum (something I have never seen healed).

Isaac and Ravished joined us and Isaac began to give prophetic words the Lord was giving him for these men (which I trust he'll blog about).

To make a long story short, we never got to pray for the deviated septum. I prayed for his shoulder a couple of times and didn't see improvement. My faith building exercise didn't work out the way I had wanted.

Next we moved to a coffee shop and continued talking, but sadly the conversation shifted more towards a debate about the differences between Islam and Christianity. The whole thing didn't end very well.

I didn't follow the dicate we value - demonstrate the Kingdom 1st and Talk 2nd. "The Kingdom of God is NOT a matter of words but of power". I am praying we'll get a second chance with these guys - we'll go after the deviated septum. If it isn't healed, we won't speak any further. If it is, then we'll preach away!!!
