Exploring the Space Outside!

This morning I was taking a walk and I walked past a bus stop. There was one guy there sitting in the shade. I walked up to him and started with the most obvious thing I could think of, "Hot out here isn't it?" Nice intro. After we started talking, I asked him where he was from and then if he had a pain in the upper part of his left arm. He slowly nodded his head. I then told him that God had told me of his pain and the He wanted to heal it. He agreed to let me pray and I quickly prayed for his arm. I asked him to check and he moved it around, smiled a little, and then started nodding his head. I asked him if it were 100% and he nodded (not much of a talker, this guy). I told him that God loved him and that He had just healed him. I, then, went on with my walk.

Now, as an addendum to this story, I would like to mention HOW I got the word for his arm. I imagined a person's body in my mind's eye (like the kind you see in anatomy books) and asked the Lord to highlight the place where this guy's pain was. I could see a red light around the top of the upper left arm (like those old Doan's backpain pills commercials). Taking it on faith that this was the right word, I went ahead and approached him and the rest is history.

Jesus is so ready to work through us, He'll use whatever, whenever, for whomever. Yes, it is as simple as imagining a body and seeing a red light. Why not?
