collarbone healed OVER email. crazy backstory.

Several weeks ago a little healing service broke out at a Christian University during one of the classes (and especially after the class).  We blogged about one of the girls who received a significant healing and an even more powerful revelation of God's goodness:

Sadly, in the wake of this, she was in a pretty bad car accident and broke her collarbone, injured her head and re-injured one of her knees that the Lord had healed just a week or so before.  I knew that this was one of the most blatant attempts I'd ever seen of the enemy coming to steal, kill and destroy.

I contacted her via phone to pray for her after hearing about these injuries.  Not much seemed to happen at the time, but I asked her to email me after a day or two.  When there wasn't much change, I suggested we pray again – this time over email.

Here is what I said, 

"Let's pray again.

Here's a couple of verses before we do:

Rev. 21:4 = NO PAIN in God's Kingdom and we have been instructed to pray "on Earth AS IT IS in heaven".  That is why we can go after pain so aggressively with the goal of establishing "pain free zones" in people's bodies.  

Acts 10: 38 - You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power,  and how He went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. (emphasis mine)

And finally, we have been sent IN THE VERY SAME WAY that Jesus was sent. John 20:21 – we are sent (that means you and me) in the same way that the Father sent Jesus – with the same power, the same mandate (minus the atoning death for the sins of the world) and the same authority.  If I see it in the life of Jesus, I am accountable.  If He did it, then we do it.  It is that simple and yet so many Christians simply do not believe.  That is the #1 problem – unbelief.  And the great thing about unbelief is that it has NOTHING to do with the person receiving prayer!!!  It is entirely upon me to rise up in faith and expectation.

Before we prayed, I asked her to read a FB healing from the day before with a family in our community.  I shared this to just release the power of the testimony.  The Word says that the "testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10) - when we share what Jesus has done (the testimony), it releases the Spirit of prophecy which enables something similar to happen again and again and again!!  So I asked her to check out that testimony and then after it, I told her I had another prayer.  Then I prayed again:


In the Name of Jesus I bring Caroline's injuries before you.  In the same way that you delivered Jennifer yesterday, I ask now that Lord you would do it again.  I speak the Peace of God over Caroline's knee, her collarbone and her head even now in Christ's Name.  I command you collarbone to be healed in Jesus' Name.  I speak to you knee, be healed.  No more pain.  I dial down the pain even now – 5…., 4….., 3…., 2…., 1….. - Jesus!!!  Holy Spirit surprise Caroline right now with your goodness and power.  Come and bring the Kingdom in manifestation to all of her injuries, in Jesus' Name and for His sake!  


She wrote me back,
"I really like those verses! The  testimony really put my heart in the right place so thank you! When I was reading the prayer there were some sharp pains in my shoulder and when I got to the part about peace over my collarbone my collarbone cracked and I felt some sharp pains and then it just felt warm on my whole left side!  Thank you so much!! I'm icing my collarbone now, but I feel stronger! :)  Thank you Jesus!  I'll continue updating you on my head and my knee!  Thank you again!"
She wrote her professor, 

"Hi Professor!
I just had to tell you this! DJ emailed me because I had asked for some verses to help me through this and then he also sent me a testimony from a woman he had prayed for over Facebook and he wrote a prayer for me!  As I was reading the verses there was just this calming in my heart and then when I got to the prayer I felt some really sharp pains in my shoulder and then when I read the prayer over my collarbone, my collarbone cracked and there was sharp pain all through my shoulder and then suddenly it just felt warm on my whole left side!! I'm icing it now, but I feel like my arm's already stronger!!! My knee still hurts really badly and my head's not free from pain yet, but I'm just thanking God for the collarbone healing!! I'll let you know how it feels tomorrow!  I was just shocked and I wanted to share that with you :) I never knew quite how strong the power of prayer was until I received it through email!"

Finally the Professor just wrote me back, 

"I just wanted you to know that she shared her testimony in class today. She said when she read the part of your email about the collarbone, she heard it crack loudly, even though she was sitting still. Her roommate heard it too and was like, "What was that? Are you OK?" She felt pain in her arm, plus tingling and warmth. She says now there is no more pain in her collarbone or her arm. Thank you again for being so tenacious for her healing! It is a tremendous testimony to the whole class!!! And I know she feels so loved by God through this experience, which is the greatest miracle of all. 
