What modern medicine and magic couldn’t do, God could!

Sojourner related this story in some detail, but I wanted to share my own thoughts as well about this encounter. I was initially quite amazed that a Gulf Arab Muslim wanted to come and join in our time of worship as Christians. I knew God must have something very special for this man. Right in the middle of a teaching time, Sojourner asked if I could come into the kitchen to answer some questions that this Muslim man had. Basically his questions were related to the much bigger problem of evil in the world – a philosophical question that Islam has a very poor answer for.

While we were talking, I received a word of knowledge for a problem in the lower right abdomen. I knew he had some health problems, but I didn’t really know what they were. He looked rather surprised because that was exactly where he had had a couple of surgeries and had even seen an Islamic folk healer who had performed a horrendous treatment wherein he was badly burned and scarred. A bit later, I also got a word of knowledge about a problem in his left shoulder area, which he also had. We turned to prayer.

As I prayed, I could sense the Lord’s presence in a powerful way and I knew that the Kingdom was coming on this man. I asked him what he was feeling in the affected areas, and he testified that there was definitely something happening. When we finished, he testified that the pain in his abdomen was completely gone – at the time, I had been led to believe the shoulder pain was gone as well. He looked at Sojourner at that point and asked why he hadn’t told him before that Christians could heal the sick.

We came out of the kitchen to interrupt the other 20+ people who were in the meeting and this man testified to the healing that the Lord had just done. He explained that he had spent more than $50,000 on the most advanced diagnostic procedures and surgeries with Western specialists – nothing happened and they couldn’t determine what was causing the problem. In desperation he had turned to an Islamic folk treatment, which did nothing but scar his body. Last week, he was able to get an appointment with the GREAT PHYSICIAN who was willing and able to help this desperate man.
