weekend of healings and prophecy

This weekend a team of us traveled to a Gulf Arab Muslim country to minister in healing and to minister prophetically. Because of the size of the team, I can't begin to count the number of different people who were healed or who received accurate prophetic words.

Personally, I saw a number of different people healed that I prayed for. For many of those, I requested that they NOT tell me what where they needed healing. Time after time, the Lord would give me a word of knowledge showing me exactly where their pain was. One woman in particular came and the Lord showed me the two specific places where there was cancer in her body and we prayed with a whole new level of faith because of the word of the Lord. Of course we didn't know at that time what happened as it will take a doctor to determine what God did, but He doesn't reveal normally reveal things like that and then do nothing.

I saw the power of God fall on many of the people we ministered to as well. Let's just say that we saw a lot of people doing "carpet time" as the team ministered. We know that testimonies will trickle in during the coming days and weeks. We'll post them as they do.
