words of knowledge and healing when you least expect it

Tonight as I went to Church, I went to receive. My cup was empty after a late-night service the previous night. The day didn't go very well. I had a pretty heated argument with my wife in the car before we walked into Church. The last thing I felt like doing was to give and/or minister to anyone.

I positioned myself to receive - I spent the entire worship time flat on my face. It was glorious and the Lord was restoring me and filling me. The message 'had my name on it' as I really felt like the Father was speaking directly to me. I was so ready to run forward to receive extra ministry by the prayer team at the end of the service - but that never happened. It simply wasn't to be.

My friend who had given the message called me up to help minister to people, especially people who needed physical healing. She even handed me the microphone to call out words of knowledge for healing. I knew it was all just a 'God Alone Matters' type of moment. I wasn't feeling like ministering AT ALL. I was still licking my wounds from the day and just wanting others to lay hands on me to release more of God's presence.

What happened next was just so clearly God's miraculous intervention that I am still just shaking my head. No sooner do I have the microphone than the Lord begins to release words of knowledge into my body - the middle of the back, hearing problems, an ankle problem.

As I moved over to the part of the room where people came forward for healing, I just leaned into my Heavenly Father - there are times when we feel like we are "partnering" with God (even though its like 95% God and 5% us), but tonight it was clearly going to be a 100% Him/0% me kind of a night). Firstly He heals the necks of two women. Next I pray for a man with back pain (responding to one of my words of knowledge) and after praying twice He is healed. I come to another man with neck pain and severe lower back pain down into the upper part of his right leg. I got the two women who were healed to share with him their testimony - we prayed for his neck and all the pain leaves. Next we focus upon the lower back/upper right leg problem which has been serious for a couple of months. As I pray, he tells me something "cracked" and all the pain left his lower back/upper leg - He was shocked. So was I - not because God doesn't do that type of thing, but because He did it at a time that I felt like the most unlikely candidate to minister on the planet.

God is truly amazing and "apart from Him we can do nothing". That truth became a whole lot truer to me tonight.


  1. Bring the STUFF to Kentucky! (But you don't have to get into a fight first. ha ha ha.)


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