God Releases Revelation Through Impartation!

At a church meeting last night, I felt the Lord tell me that He was going to land on three people and those people would be wells for the rest of the group. He told me that He was going to impart to them a different aspect of His love and that anyone who felt like they needed more revelation in that area could come and receive. After some prayer, I invited some people the Lord highlighted to me to be wells of revelation and impartation for God as Father, God as Friend, and God as Husband. Another man came to impart vision and the gift of unity as well. It was so awesome to see the "laity" ministering to each other. It was a big free for all game of who's got the shooba now? All the while I was reminded of how God wants to empower ALL believers to do the works Jesus did AND to have the same intimacy with Him. Just for an added bonus, one of the members called me today and told me of a revelation she had had of God as Husband. There is SO much more to impartation than most of us tap into. Praise God!
