Christian University healings - summary 2 days later

Here is a summary of the healings - 2 days after so as to know if pain remained gone:

I wanted to confirm a few healings (I had students share testimonies today in class). 

Student's elbow - You prayed for his elbow and all the pain left. He hasn't had any problems since then and he's done some exercises that would have hurt before. 

Student's left shoulder - (the kid you made do push-ups in class)  You had a word of knowledge for left shoulder pain, and after you prayed all the pain left and has not returned. 

Student's right shoulder - One of the students had a word of knowledge for his shoulder. Another student prayed and all the pain left. He has not had any pain or rotation problems since (he teaches tennis lessons). He said it is still a little tender, so today we prayed for that to go too. 

Student's left knee - one student had a pain in his left knee, which was a word of knowledge for another student. She had not been able to bend her knees without pain or without her knee popping out since 8th grade. Since the student prayed for her and released the word of knowledge, all the pain was gone and has not returned. 

This was truly BODY MINISTRY - I basically laid hands on NO ONE!  I had the students praying for one another.  I would simply join them in prayer.
