restaurant manager's back healed after frustrating day

I was having a bit of a bad day - lots of things going wrong and my peace was being stolen at ever turn.  After arriving at the restaurant where I was to meet my family and some friends, I just decided enough was enough.  I wanted to know who on the staff needed to see a miracle - in other words, the enemy was about to pay.

the manager came and had back pain.  he was more than willing to let us pray.  we prayed one one and some of the pain in his back left - maybe 50%.  we prayed again and got to see the look we all have grown to love so much - the look that asks with amazement, "Did what I think just happen REALLY happen"?  He was all good and immediately brought another sick employee for us to pray for.

And when the sick are healed, "the Lamb receives part of the reward of His suffering"
