Do you think you know "WHY" the Coronavirus/COVID-19 came? Are you sure?

The million-dollar theological question that people are asking and that all-too-many eager Christian voices seem willing to answer is “Why”? Why is the Coronavirus here? Included in those answers is Who/What is behind it?

There is no shortage of answers being given. I live in the Middle East so I am hearing and reading daily about the Islamic answers being proposed. And mixed into their theological proposals, there are incredible conspiracy theories being entertained as well!

What are Christian leaders saying? Theologians? Pastors? Prophets? My email inbox is full and social media is buzzing with diverse answers. In recent days, I’ve even seen the MSM media bringing on famous pastors for their commentary.

And what is being said? Some are ‘sure’ this is God’s judgment, others are ‘sure’ that this is a demonic attack, while others are ‘sure’ that COVID-19 like any and all other diseases is merely something that happens in the fallen world in which we live. To add further confusion, there are those who are advocating a mixture of two or three of these positions! And then these Christians leaders can all quote Scriptures to support their conclusions.

Christians can easily get confused (and are getting confused) from these mixed messages. And let's be frank, some are completely contradicting one another. And it becomes even more confusing when some are claiming that God has revealed to them the answer! How can you argue with "God told me...? (Full Disclosure: I argue with people all the time who make such claims!)

I jumped in on a virtual men’s Bible Study the other day and all of these different/diverse conclusions were being expressed/discussed – and interestingly, it often largely dependent upon the type of Church that people come from as to what their conclusions they arrive at. No surprise.

Those who came from churches that strongly emphasize God’s meticulous control over everything that happens were speaking about God’s role. To be fair, some softened their language to talk about God “allowing” this for some purpose rather than the more loaded "sent it", or "caused it". Others from more of a Charismatic/Pentecostal background viewed this more as a demonic attack or assignment that we need to resist and/or overcome. From across the spectrum, there were those who were thinking of this as God’s judgment on a world that has largely turned their backs on Him.

So why am I weighing in? Do I have an opinion? For me personally, it doesn’t matter that much 'why' Coronavirus is here. I can see how people can build any case they want to build as to “why” this is happening from the Bible. People I know and trust are coming to entirely different conclusions. Some are speaking authoritatively as to what the are "sure" the Bible teaches regarding this pandemic and others are mixing in their "prophetic revelation" (either a dream, a vision or some other type of 'prophetic' means by which God communicates).

My belief is that God doesn’t answer our “why” questions nearly as often as we think He does/is. I am not saying there isn’t an answer, but without special revelation, we simply cannot know what it is. Some will say, “Exactly! And God has revealed to me such and such a thing” – but then again, I am watching well-known Christian voices from the Charismatic part of the Church that are claiming “special revelation” who are flatly contradicting one another. This is precisely why the Apostle Paul instructed us to "judge" (evaluate) prophetic words (1 Cor. 14:29).

So my counsel in all of this is to think deeply, to pray fervently, to study diligently, to listen carefully and then whatever conclusion you come to, HOLD IT LOOSELY! Hold it humbly.

Don't the Scriptures tell us that "we know in part and we prophesy in part"? 1 Cor 13:9. What a verse to help us walk with more humility and less certainty when it comes to such considerations.

What is clear is that there are many things that we can/should be doing over and against fighting amongst ourselves as to why this is happening. I am fasting and praying. I am seeking the Lord. I am endeavoring to love others well, to encourage people and help them overcome their fears in this hour. I am trying to obey the things God's word instructs me to obey. And one of those commandments is NOT to go around announcing the answers to WHY questions that most likely God isn't answering. Can He? Absolutely. Is He? That is where we have to be far more careful.

One day we will know “why”. Not just to this question but to every single question. And that to me is one of the things I look forward to in eternity in the Age to Come.

Summary: you might know why, you might not know why, or you might know part of the reason why…therefore humbly hold your answer(s) loosely. In the meantime, do and be what you know to do and be as a Christian.

…for such a time as this

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