I just posted our first experience out in this quarantined nation to "extinguish fear" and while on a 2 1/2 hour prayer walk today the Lord opened the door for me to pray for literally another 20 people!

Restaurants/coffee shops can operate but only on a "take out/take away" basis.  So I would walk into a shop and ask the employees, "How is everyone doing?".  I ask if anybody is fearful, nervous, etc.  And the next thing I know, I am praying for them all. 

So the "Take Away only" signs were prophetic!  I would go in, and pray for the men and women and "TAKE AWAY" their fear!  That is what I am actually going to say to them - I'm going to walk in and say, "I am here for Take Away, but not food or drink... but rather to TAKE AWAY fear! To ask God to TAKE AWAY anyone's fear! Who needs that?" 

A few of the visits today - In one restaurant there were 4 or 5 gathered and I got to pray corporately for all of them as they stood by the counter. In a Starbucks, there were 5 more who came together, including one guy who I think was a Muslim.  It didn't matter, I got to pray for him along with the Christians!  As I said, not all of them were Christians - one was a Jehovah's Witness (she was actually the most resistant of everyone today). Her Hindu co-worker was far more open to my prayer.  I even told him to expect a dream wherein Jesus would visit him and speak to him personally.

In one restaurant, I told them that because I knew that they couldn't go to church (all churches in the country have been closed) I was there to bring the church to them!

I prayed for their protection, asked God to surround them with His angels, for the Holy Spirit to come upon them, for them to have dreams, for their salaries not to be suspended (which is happening more and more), etc.

I have never experienced an easier atmosphere to minister in! I don't know if I have ever been able to pray for that many people in this country in that short of a time period.

This is our hour to shine Church! This is our time to live out our faith, to let our light shine, to rise up in faith and to help those who are struggling. Whatever you do Saints, please don't hide your light from the people who are locked in such panic and uncertainty.
