FEAR Extinguishers in the Middle East

Today we took CHURCH to the streets so to speak. We are under massive restrictions - people are not allowed BY LAW to gather in groups of more than 6 people.  All Churches were told by the government that they had to stop all of their church meetings last week.  So our small church leadership decided that instead of gathering all together this week, we would divide our community up into multiple vehicles and drive all over this small country to pray, to encourage one another and to minister to anybody and everybody we could within the few places of business that were open.

So restaurants and coffee places are still open for take away/take out orders.  We knew that each and every place we would stop and enter meant opportunities to LOVE THE ONE (or ONES) in front of us.

We knew that all of the employees we would meet would be dealing with massive fear and anxiety - especially as their lives have them interacting constantly with strangers, handling money, etc.  They are not only fearful of being exposed to the virus, but they are also fearful that their jobs will be there next week.  Others are being put on unpaid leave - or will be.

Today in the 5 cars we launched out in for 2 1/2 to 3 hours, God gave us the opportunity to pray for several dozen people!  Christians, Muslims, and people of other faiths as well.  We got to pray for their protection, for their families, for the jobs and anything else they needed prayer for.  It was powerful and it was 100% what God wanted us to do today.

We were able to overcome the limitations, follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and as a community we were able to push back COVID-19 in this nation!  We were able to pray for every facet of the government, the different sectors of the society, the people, the Christian community, etc. 

We extinguished the FEAR in the lives of many! We pointed them to the Scriptures. We asked God to send His angelic armies to surround their families, their health and their employment.

I can't wait to see what FEAR extinguishing opportunities God will open up for our community tomorrow, the next day, this week, next week. etc.

This can be our finest hour!

for such a time as this.
