FEAR Extinguishers - GO and DO likewise!!!

We are in total lockdown still - the only airport is closed, more restrictions seem to be on the way (i.e. a national curfew is about to be implemented).

So what are we doing today?  This is the day that we as a community gather to worship and for teaching. 

We've decided to TAKE IT ON THE ROAD.  We are dividing up into different cars and we will be connected all together via a Skype Conference Call as we drive all around the small muslim country we live in to pray for one another, intercede for the nation AND TO EXTINGUISH FEAR in the lives of the ones we will meet/encounter.

Who will we meet? Where will we encounter people?  In the restaurants and/or the coffee places that remain open for Take Out/Take Away orders only.

This has been our strategy - and even yesterday when my wife and I were out on a long prayer walk, that time of prayer ended with us ministering in 3 different places, getting to pray for/with Christians AND a Muslim man.  And with the Muslim man the Lord also gave me a word of knowledge about a neck condition and I got to pray for his healing as well.

We are excited today - and functioning within the limitations/restrictions that the government has set which we are honoring, we get to go and RELEASE THE KINGDOM.

One prophetic voice I read this morning put it this way, "releasing abundant, raging hope"!!! Source: https://www.restore7.org/blog/2020/1/7/2020-a-year-of-roaring-justice-and-raging-hope

Wow, I love that. That is exactly what we are going to do. I feel like Enlow's exhortation only serves to confirm the Word the Lord has spoken to us here in this hour.

so....GO and DO likewise!!!

for such a time as this
